Guinness World Records 2011 Shortest Man announced

2010-09-07 2

At 27.46 inches tall, 24 year old Edward Niño Hernandez from Bogota has been confirmed as the World's Shortest Man (Mon 6 Sep). Guinness World Records awarded the record after months of searching for a new title holder following the death of He Ping Ping in March this year who had previously held the record for more than 3 years.

Hernandez is 1.5 inches shorter than Ping Ping and weighs just 10 kilos. However, he doesn't know why he's so small because Doctors have never given him a diagnosis. According to his mother, he hasn't grown since he was 2 years old.

In his daily life, Eduardo helps out with the family's pyjama-making business, loves to dance the popular Latin American 'reggaeton' and dreams of seeing the world. Now, the diminutive Colombian takes his place in the chronicles of history with one of the highest profile record titles. He will be honoured with pride of place in the 2011 edition of the Guinness World Records book, published next week (16th September).