Pakistani Flood Victims Receive Unexpected Help

2010-09-07 962

As water levels recede in Pakistan, it's the armed forces who are taking the lead in rescue and relief efforts.

In one of the more organized camps, about 3,000 refugees were invited to live in tents set up by the Pakistani Air Force.

The victims say it's a godsend.

[Mohammad Ramzan, Flood Victim]:
"The Pakistan Air Force -- for whom we never voted, whom we never even looked at -- they came to rescue us. Then aid started coming from outside, from the Punjabis and Mohajirs. Saudi Arabia also started sending relief goods. Top Air Force officials personally visited us, talked to us with love and affection. But our Sindhi rulers, whom we had voted for, have not even come to ask about our welfare."

Over 400 families are living in the camp, which also offers a school, a mosque, medical facilities and a water filtration plant.

[Naseema Bibi, Flood Victim]:
"We were sitting on the bypass and when the tents were set up they came and told us, Come and live here.' Whatever these poor soldiers can do, they are doing. They give us three meals a day, clothes and other things. Whatever they can take out of their own rations and allowances, they share with us."

Once unpopular, the armed forces is now the nation's only institution with the manpower and organizational skills to help some 20 million of the country's flood victims.