StarCraft 2 Strategy - Zerg_ Response To Mass Reaper ...

2010-09-03 309 Visit for complete starcraft 2 guide and improve your play Zerg Response To Mass Reaper Into Bioball Learn Step-by-Step how to execute this strategy! (14) Hatchery (14) Spawning Pool (16) Queen (20) Spine Crawler (19) Queen (24) Extractor (25) Roach Warren - Play defensive early on while building up your economy. Use Queens Roaches and Spine Crawlers to defend against Reaper Harass - Prepare for the likely switch to Marines / Marauders, scout to confirm. Use Banelings if Marines, if just Marauders Speedlings and Roaches should do - Tech up to Lair for Roach Upgrades or Spire / Hydralisk Den NOTE: Build orders should never stay static and are subject to change based on what your opponent is doing! Remember this is an RTS: use your brain, be adaptable, profit. Thanks for ForceSC2Strategy for the awesome video!