Ardyss International. Go to Ardyss International is the best network marketing company today. (ardyss)(ardyss)(ardyss)(ardyss)(ardyss) (Ardyss)(International)(Business)(Opportunity) Ardyss began in 1991 as a Mexican Manufacturing Company with a new concept for corsetry, designed for reshaping the female figure. Like many big companies, the creation of Ardyss came about in an unpredicted manner. Ardyss International was started by Antonio Díaz de León, his wife Armida Fonseca, and their two sons, Antonio and Alejandro. The Díaz de León Family was successful with Ardyss because of their hard work and dedication. Arydss leads a team of dedicated professionals who support the Díaz de León’s dream of boosting self-esteem and a mission statement of “An appointment with Ardyss, will change your life!” Go to