Pet Society playfish cash hack blue coins items savable hack

2010-08-31 1,154

Download from here: 3. Click the TOP LEFT BUTTON on CE & look for your PROCESS (e.x FiREFOX, iNTERNET EXPLORER etc.) 4. Tick HEX, click 4 BYTES and change it to 8 BYTES and tick; ASROM (Also Scan Read Only Memory.) 5. Enter this code in HEX; 544F8BD18B01C083 6. 2 addresses should appear, right-click the SECOND ONE and click DiSASSEMBLE. 7. On the window that should appear, double-click the first one. DO NOT delete anything, except for the "1." 8. Change the "1," into "271000." 9. Play with the ball. Each time you hit the ball, you will get a new record of 271000, EACH TIME. So if you hit th eball 2 times, it will give you 542,000 PAW POiNTS. Also, MONEY as you level. Also, if you dont have this yet, you will get a gold trophy for the Ball. 10. HAVE FUN ! :D