Combat Wombat - Qwest (Clip)

2010-08-30 2

The band's name came about because they used to drive around in a camouflage painted van that looked like a giant wombat. day whilst we were touring around the desert with our solar powered sound system (Labrats) my mate Rufus said why don't you call your band Combat Wombat... so we did.

Monkey Marc met Izzy in Darwin in 1998[2] where they started up a solar powered party political sound system.

She had this whole solar-powered sound system that she had hooked-up to this old quad-bike, a four-wheeled pedal bicycle. It was basically pedal and solar-powered. I arrived with my decks and my mixer, a sampler and an 808 drum machine, and that was kind of the start of Lab Rats and Combat Wombat

From Wikipedia