Being a Good Lover of You -or- False Beliefs Bite

2010-08-24 44

2010-08-13 2nd Journal(5:01 am)- Mayan day still 13 Flint ('til dawn) ♥ TRANSCRIPT: ♥ iTunes podcast ♥ channel Intro: What is the lie we believed? How did we get conned into that? Well, this still must start with who is the “I” being discussed, here? How could it be otherwise? Remember, until you define your “I” you have nothing. You have no foundation on which to build anything. You are amorphous. Surely you know by now you are not your body. If you’re not sure of this - if you’ve had no OBE, no NDE, no lucid dreaming, even, to show you how very much the “I” that you are does NOT reside in that body, then get to work. Do some research. A thorough exploration of the literature available from the NDE experiencers should do the trick. Stay away from the sciences. I say this because they, too often, are tightly pinned to the surface of life. They do not go below it. They are thus not worthy teachers, but rather deceivers. They play that part, unless the are the rebels among them who go their own way. I will refer you, will link you over to a couple of journals I have done on just this subject: Science as Relition and qwoeirqpweoruweo. These will ground you in or at least open you to a new perspective on these previously trusted branches of education in our world. What they have become, today, is unworthy of following. They are quite lost. With the advent of quantum physics - though I do not say it has anything like all the answers or even the big ones - still, it brings with it that which enables the re-merger of science and spirituality. It makes room for that. Without its foundation in the realm of the Spirit, science has little or nothing to offer. Oh yes, it can make life on the surface of things more interesting - increase its utility. But utility for what? So that we can get more identified with it? ... Distributed by Tubemogul.