Cost Segregation - Accelerated Depreciation Explained

2010-08-23 152

COMMERCIAL PROPERTY OWNERS: Listen Up - Decrease Your Taxes & Increase Your Cash Flow!

We provide cost segregation services to owners of commercial property. Cost segregation increases cash flow, decreases taxes, and allows property owners to frontload or accelerate depreciation deductions in the early years of ownership when they need it the most. Qualified building assets are re-classified from 39 year to 5, 7, and 15 year property.

If you’ve constructed, purchased, remodeled, or expanded your commercial property since 1987, you may qualify for catch-up depreciation. This means the year you do the study, you receive a large lump sum deduction for all the depreciation you missed in years past!

Studies generally take about 4-6 weeks, and we work in conjunction with your CPA. We have a no loss record with the IRS, and our clients have never had to give money back. We offer free estimates of your tax savings so you can see what your benefit would be.