Chilling Out on the Snowy Slopes of Dubai

2010-08-23 9

August in Dubai: a sweltering 109 degrees in the shade. Ten years ago, this spot was a desert. But now, inside this giant structure, it's the coolest place around.

[Arnaud Palu, COO, Ski Dubai]:
"As you can tell, cold, it's really cold, and obviously big slope, 400 meters long, with a real snow in an enclosed environment. So we are talking about something like 12,000 tons of snow, freshly snow made everyday."

Ski, snowboard, even jump into a giant inflatable snowball—Ski Dubai seems to have something for everyone.

But where does all this snow come from?

[Arnaud Palu, COO, Ski Dubai]:
"The natural way as mother nature intended it, so like in the mountain is exactly the same thing. We have snow guns, pulsing mist of water in the place the cold, the ambient cold is doing the rest, so the crystallizing that water and then we are grooming this crystallize ice and the compacting of in makes it snow."

Visitors here can rent equipment and even clothes. Then, hit one of five slopes in this 30,000 square-foot snow park.

For skiers who used to live in a cold climate, Ski Dubai feels like a piece of home.

[Matt Miniard, Tourist from USA]:
"The weather I guess I'm used to more colder climate, so it's nice to coming. It feels like home when coming."

[Sasha, Tourist from UK]:
"I like it, I like find it really fun...I really like it. I really like going on the bottom lift. I think it should be open more often."

[Matthew, From USA]:
"I think it is really fun. I come here like every day. I like ...."

Ski Dubai opened in 2005. It's the first indoor ski park in the Middle East.

NTD News, Dubai.