Red-Shirts Resume Protests in Northern Thailand

2010-08-23 123

On Sunday, about three hundred members of Thai United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), gathered in Chiang Mai in an anti-government rally.

The demonstrators lay down on the ground and staged a theatrical play to mock the military who clamped down on red shirted protesters in Bangkok earlier in 2010.

Most of the demonstrators are women and elderly residents from Chiang Mai and the surrounding provinces.

They are accusing Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and his administration, of ordering the Thai military to launch—what became for Red Shirt supporters—a bloody crackdown on demonstrations in Bangkok between March and May.

On August 16, the Thai cabinet lifted an emergency law which prevented protests in three red shirt strongholds in northern Thailand.

The emergency decree has been in place since April.

The decree gives security forces broad power to deal with anti-government protests that spiraled into the worst political violence in modern Thai history.

The red-shirt protests left 91 people dead and nearly 2,000 wounded.

The decree remains in force in Bangkok and six other provinces.

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