The Scottish Justice Secretary has defended his decision to release the Lockerbie bomber.
Kenny MacAskill spoke out as Libya prepares to mark the first anniversary of the day he freed Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi on compassionate grounds.
Mr MacAskill said: "It was a decision I didn't choose to make, it was a decision I had to make. It was my responsibility and accordingly I followed the rules and laws of Scotland. I acted appropriately and I stand by the decision."
On August 20 last year, the SNP minister had said Megrahi was going home "to die".
But the Libyan has now lived four times as long as the medical prognosis, as set out in the published medical report.
Mr MacAskill said: "The information on which I predicated my decision, the report from Dr (Andrew) Fraser, the senior clinician at the Scottish Prison Service, has been published, apart from some individuals' names which is clearly private and confidential to them."
Some, including groups in the US, are calling for an inquiry into al-Megrahi's release.