2010-08-14 yourdailyjingle presents: Invisible Children

2010-08-14 2

For Laura's birthday, she wanted to gift Invisible Children with a jingle. That's awesome! Invisible Children is an amazing organization started by 3 San Diego dudes that went over to Africa with a video camera and came back with opened eyes, changed hearts, and a mission: to tell the world of the LRA's capturing and brainwashing of children into soldiers and to help the Ugandans any way they could. Since their beginnings in 2003, their story has been told to millions across the world and has already helped change the history of Uganda, but there's still much to do, including permanently ending the LRA's reign of terror, help millions of displaced refugees back to their homes, and educating the next generation. If you want to help make Laura's birthday that much more special, please check out Invisible Children, look for ways you can help, and get the word out by telling your friends, family, and people you meet on the bus about IC! Lyrics Invisible, Invisible Children Open your eyes and you will see them Invisible, Invisible Children Open your heart and see them There's a rebel army in Uganda That no own wants to be a part of The only way they can recruit is To attack defenseless villages and capture its kids In '03 three guys from San Diego Discovered this injustice and couldn't let it go They filmed their story for a movie Hoping that it would move you and move me They formed Invisible Children to tell the world And show what we can do to save those boys and girls So now that you have heard the truth What are you going to do?