Madrasas in Pakistan churning out fanatics

2010-08-09 1

Pakistan, August 09: The Taliban in Afghanistan was born in the late 1980s. And, the credit for its creation goes to Pakistan's covert military intelligence.To train the Army of Islam, the commissioners of Pakistan army selected 100 of the then existing madrasas,almost all Deobandi,in Pakistan.The training was executed by serving and retired army officers.The most important and the most active of these madrasas chosen were the Hamiya Uloom-e-Islami in the Binori mosque,Karachi and the Jamiya Ashrafiya in Lahore.These Islamic warriors,since then have spread their jihad to the Asian continent and later even took it to the United States. Bred in Pakistan madrasas,the fanatics are known by different names Harkat-ul-Ansar, Lashkar-e-Toiba, Al Qaeda, Markaz Dawa Al Irshad and Al Badr.