Do You Need a Dozen Gurus & Teachers ? Settling Down

2010-08-07 97

2010-07-20 5th Journal - Mayan day 3 Eagle ♥ TRANSCRIPT: ♥ iTunes podcast ♥ channel Intro: Boy, the journals just keep flowing, today. Three Eagle has been the flowingest Mayan day, yet - or it seems so, anyway. That’s a big statement. It’s not like I’ve not had 5 journals in a day, before. For a while, once, that was the norm. Things are so changed, however. Since last weekend and the Conscious Convergence... I’ve really noticed a change - well, changes. Though I can’t seem to put a finger on just what they are - I know things have changed. For one thing, it feels as if the veils that hide the other realms from us have been weakened or made more translucent - I’m almost seeing through them, at times. Not with just direct vision - with heart vision, more like. The Spirits, the Light Beings, and even the other ones just seem nearer, some how. I know that’s just a seeming, for they’re always around. But they might as well not be, for all we’re used to perceiving them. We’ve been way too full of and occupied in the mind. Mind is a cacophony of voices - and that’s when there’s silence, around. It’s amazing all the racket we hear when there’s no sound to be found. Well, that may not stop, my friends - and it doesn’t really matter if it doesn’t, because what’s going to stop is the attention you pay to mind. Just start ignoring it. You can do that, you know. You’re not mind. For some strengthening on this line of being... Mooji is a good one, and so is Eckhart Tolle. Gangaji is very good as well. Go where you’re led, my friends. Test it out in heart first, of course. Many are the pied pipers out there, who are leading the wrong way - seeming right, but something different, beneath... Distributed by Tubemogul.