Fi News #78: Cooling Down - Knights of Lepanto Encampment

2010-08-04 17

Ave Maria!
During the Knights of Lepanto Father and Sons Summer Encampment a Slip-n-Slide is set up to cool down.
The Knights of Holy Mary Victrix at Lepanto is a specific group for men only within the Mission of the Immaculate Mediatrix  (MIM). The MIM is the Roman Catholic public association of the faithful, founded by Fr. Stefano M. Manelli and attached to the religious institute that he also founded, the Franciscans of the Immaculate.  The spirituality of the MIM is unlimited consecration to Mary according to the teaching of St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe.  Thus, the Knights of Lepanto is a group of men who are formed to live consecration to Mary in a masculine way.
Ave Maria!
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