Hong Kong Opens its Largest Solar Plant

2010-08-03 369

Hong Kong is producing energy a little greener today. A the largest solar energy plant was recently opened on the island, as part of an effort to cut pollution.

Hong Kong opened its largest solar plant last Thursday. Hong kong Electric formally started up the city's project as part of efforts to help cut pollution.

[Frank Lau, General Manager, Hong kong Electric]: (English)
"We'd like to make use of our existing facilities, our existing resources, to maximize the percentage of renewable energy generation in our system. So that's our main objective."

The $3 million project comprises 5,500 solar power modules installed on the roofs of the power plant buildings.

The solar plant is expected to generate enough electricity to power more than 100 households, and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 520 tons a year.

Hong kong Electric may expand the plant.

[Frank Lau, General Manager, Hong kong Electric]: (English)
"The future trend as I can see it, renewable energy cost will drop in the near future. Especially offshore wind farm and maybe large-scale solar powered as well. So we have to do the renewable bit by bit. We have to gain experience first before we embark on the future more large-scale renewable."

Mounting public pressure to tackle pollution in Hong Kong has led the government to call for 2 percent of the city's power to be produced by renewable energy by 2012.

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