Greek Truckers’ Strike Affects Fuel Supplies

2010-08-02 44

Strikes continue in Greece over the government's controversial austerity measures, this time by truckers.

Greece's 33,000 truck drivers switched off their engines a week ago after the government announced plans to slash the price of licences.

Most of the truckers have received papers ordering them to return to work or face criminal prosecution and loss of their license.

The strike has disrupted fuel supplies in the middle of the busy tourist season.

[Yannis Economou, Hotel Owner and Member of Crete Hotel Association]:(Greek)
"We have had several cancellations from local and international customers who were planning to visit Crete for their vacation, but on the one hand they are worried about the situation here and on the other many of the Greek customers did not find gas for their cars so they could come here by ferry."

Although fuel around the country is in short supply a member of the Greek gas station owners union expects the strike to end soon.

[Dimitris Makrivelios, Greek Gas Station Owners Union]:(Greek)
"My estimation is that at the moment more than 150 petrol stations have fuel in Athens and that progressvely all the rest will also be supplied. The unions of petrol tankers and truckers will meet today and the information we have is that this situation is coming to an end. Therefore from tomorrow things will improve and the country will return to the situation it was a week ago."

Greece's government has passed controversial reforms to cut its budget deficit, but most Greeks oppose the measures.

Strikes are almost a daily occurence.

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