German Swing: Helmut Zacharias Orchestra, 1942

2010-07-31 96

Komm doch! – foxtrott (Gerhard Mohr) – Helmut Zacharias und seine Solisten, Odeon 1942 (Germany)

Helmut ZACHARIAS (b. 1920 in Berlin – d. 2002 in Tessin, Switzerland) - German violinist and bandleader, one of the major names in a history of swing & dance music in Europe of 1940-60s. He started having lessons at the age of 4. At 6 he played at the cabaret Faun in Berlin and had his first radio broadcast five years later. In late 1930s he started performing as violinist accompanied by a small ensamble, his music was strongly inspired by Stephane Grapelly & Django Reinhard. After WWII he established a big-band that was one of the most popular German dance bands through 1950s and 60s. He was considered to be one of best jazz violinists of Europe and was dubbed "Germany's Mr. Violin", selling over 14 million records worldwide. He played together with many other famous artists, including Yehudi Menuhin.

This label looks like someone's dartboard, but the record plays surprisingly well.