India And Russia Joint Military Drills

2010-07-31 431

Russia's military puts on a display of drills and tactics for important guests.

A military delegation from India visited Russia's North Ossetia region, as the two countries prepare for joint military training later this year.

The Indian visitors got a close look at Russia's armoured vehicles, and the capabilities of its troops through live fire exercises.

These two countries have partnered in war games for several years.

In response to tensions in the North Caucasus, Russia created a mountain warfare brigade and is keen to learn from India's mountain fighting expertise.

A Russian delegation travelled to observe India's mountain forces in May.

India and Russia have remained solid friends for decades, with Russia at one time supplying India with 70 percent of its arms.

While India now also buys weapons from the United States, it still holds an array of military contracts with Russia.

The upcoming Indra-2010 military drill in October is seen as further proof both countries maintain strong relations.

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