Eddie Guerrero vs 2 Cold Scorpio - ECW TV Title

2010-07-27 57

From ECW Three Way Dance, April 8, 1995.

Eddie Guerrero was one of the most loved performers in wrestling history, captivating audiences with his amazing in-ring skills and lovable personality. In ECW he held theTV title twice. In WCW, he had a pair of Cruiserweight title reigns and a U.S. title reign. In WWE, he really reached success, holding the European title twice, the WWE Tag Team titles four times, the U.S. title on one occasion, the IC title twice and most importantly, he reached the top of the industry by winning the WWE title. After his untimely death in 2005, he was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.

2 Cold Scorpio has competed in all three of the 90's top promotions. In ECW, he held the TV title a record 4 times and had a tag title reign with the Sandman. In WCW, he won the tag titles with Marcus Bagwell. While not able to get any title success in WWE as Flash Funk or a JOB Squad member, he won the GHC tag titles of Japan's NOAH twice, with Vader and Doug Williams.