EVERYTHING matters, civil liberties, indefinite detention

2010-07-19 105

The Stench of Truth (322).mp4 Lindsey Graham is working on making a law to codify the indefinite detention philosophy. The Supreme court has ruled that so-called "sexually dangerous" people can be held indefinitely AFTER serving their time in prison. Easy to say you don't care about them but are you stupid enough to think it won't come to you for something less heinous? Kagan fits right in with this agenda. S.3081 the enemy belligerent and interrogation act is an affront to everything this country has ever stood for. Communication management units are a violation of basic legal freedoms and rights. Google it and find out about them. It's coming your way. Financial terrorism is real and here, the bankers need to be held accountable. It's prudent to try and stop the thugs from getting to your door before they arrive when you know they're coming.