Julian Assange Wikileaks Founder Avoids USA

2010-07-17 415

Assange has cancelled numerous public appearances in the United States in the last few months as in New York today with key speech at The Hope hackers as he had to cancel three public appearances in the United States, including one at the June conference of Investigative Reporters and Editors in Las Vegas, Nevada, because of "unreasonable" statements by U.S. officials in private that they "may not follow the rule of law" in dealing with him. But he did make a surprise appearance at the TED Global conference at Oxford University last week en par with blogger and technologist Ethan Zuckerman who reports on it
http://www.ethanzuckerman.com/blog/ . Chris Anderson, TED’s founder, interviews him onstage and talks through Wikileak’s mission, structure and history and was asking if it’s fair to say that Wikileaks has released more secret documents that the collective enterprise of journalism, Julian allows that it’s an embarrassment for journalists to have such a comparison made.