Maybe This Is Love - Waring's Pennsylvanians, 1928

2010-07-17 3

Waring’s Pennsylvanians – Maybe This Is Love (DeSylva, Brown, Henderson), Victor 1928 (USA)

NOTE: Fredrick Malcolm WARING (b. 1900 in Tyrone, Pennsylvania – d. in 1984) - Americanbandleader and radio personality. He was also a promoter of the Waring Blendor, the first modern electric blender invenyed in 1930 by Frederick Jacob Osius.
During his teenage years, Fred Waring, his brother Tom, and their friend Poley McClintock founded the Waring-McClintock Snap Orchestra, which evolved into Fred Waring's Banjo Orchestra. He attended Penn State University, where he studied architectural engineering, but his Banjo Orchestra became so successful that he decided to abandon his education in order to tour with the band, which eventually became known as Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians. From 1923 until 1932, "Waring's Pennsylvanians" were among Victor Records best-selling bands..