Reusable Produce Bags

2010-07-16 16 reusable produce bags by Blue Lotus are really neat. I always see reusable shopping bags available all over, but never reusable produce bags. And the best thing about this one is that it's made with organic cotton! It's very eco-friendly, made out of cotton and when you're done using it over and over again, you can put it in the composting bin and it will biodegrade! You can use it for all kinds of produces. They have four different sizes small for nuts and seeds, medium for bulk food: rice, flour, sugar, and large bags for large leafy greens such as salad, kale, collards, you can bring your bags home with your produce in them, moisten them and put it in the refrigerator to keep it moisten and crisp. Don't forget to shop for your produce at your local farmers' market! Highlights: - Reusable - Organic cotton - Biodegradable