Podiatrist Dayton - Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)

2010-07-15 69

Podiatrist Dayton - Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)


Peripheral Arterial Disease (P.A.D) is a serious circulatory condition where clogged or narrowed arteries cause poor circulation to the arms, legs, brain or kidneys. It occurs most often in the lower extremities, causing decreased blood flow to the legs and feet. Just like buildup in the heart, clogged arteries in the lower extremities can cause stroke or heart attack. Over 10 million Americans have P.A.D. and, left untreated, P.A.D. is fatal 30% of the time within a five-year period.* Fortunately, today there is a non-invasive technology that can determine the presence of P.A.D. PADnet + is a P.A.D. test that can be completed in 15-20 minutes during a regular office visit.

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