Angelina Love vs Madison Rayne (Knockouts Championship)

2010-07-12 38

The match begins, and Angelina basically dominates Madison in the early going, with several clotheslines and with a two count, Love went for a slam but Rayne raked the eyes of Love, in the corner Rayne choked Love, Rayne nailed several kneelifts and a neckbreaker for a two count. Rayne set up Love for the Scissor stomp, smashing her head into the mat several times. Love came back with a clothesline and a jawbreaker. Later in the match Madison goes to the outside to grab a steel chair, Love hits the Botox Injection Bicycle Kick, on Rayne and then all of a sudden a mystery woman comes down to the arena on a motorcycle, she interferes and hits Love, but then the ref calls for the bell, and declairs that he thinks the woman is a member of The Beautiful People, so hands Love the title. The woman on the motorcycle drives backstage with Madison after Madison lost the Knockouts Championship, my guess is that the mystery woman on the motorcycle is the returning Tara!

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