How Vision Equals Freedom - Violet Light

2010-07-12 41

2010-07-10 1st Journal - Mayan day 6 Serpent ♥ TRANSCRIPT: ♥ iTunes podcast ♥ channel Intro: Is there anything to say this morning? You know, it’s a marvel that so much comes through and into these journals. I am so grateful for that - and humble before it, as well. I never know what’s going to be said. This morning is feeling very quiet thought - maybe there are no words. Or maybe I just need to be really focused in heart to bring them through. One can be in heart - can live from there - without always being particularly deeply focused within. One can have or develop a more general focus. Tricky to put words to. As i write, I am narrowing my focus to that very specific point - centered in the chest. I pull it back from being aware and positioned in the aura so much - make it more concentrated. It is also possible to get sloppy in one’s heart focus - not quite in, not quite out - and go along that way for a while. We develop facility with being in heart and being functional, on the without. We are really out there, and aware of everything, you know. We are connected up with the whole Cosmos - every planet and sun, every atom of that is within. Mind generally fills the screen of awareness so thoroughly that we have no outer awareness of our broader presence. Then, when we start to back off from mind, we make room for our inner awareness to begin merging with the outer one. Generally, we’re aware of our surroundings to a broader degree than we give ourselves credit for. By rejecting, or simply not admitting, such possibilities, we screen it out from awareness - that’s the usual state, anyway - doesn’t have to be. We can be aware of whatever we want to. Best not do these things while driving, of course - be sensible. Good solid earth focus is good - if you want to keep your form around, that is. I know I do... Distributed by Tubemogul.