Mary Travers-For Baby (1968)

2010-07-11 114

This song was written by John Denver for his then girlfriend named Bobby and it appears onm his first Greatest Hits album (as in the vinyl kind, remember them, lol?) but while I love both his music , Mary's version is sung more (the same is true for "Rhymes and Reasons" and "Follow Me". I have no video of that) but For Baby appeared on one of Mary's solo albums and Rhymes and Reasons on her very first solo album, the self titled "Mary", a record that got me through some very tough times. Thank you Mary and John. I can only have wished to have met John Denver. John DSenver actually sand this with the Chad mitchell trio in the late 60's so it was one of hios very first creations. (little known fact- "Rhymes and Reasons was one of the many banned songs on 9-11 due to the lyrics "the towers fall around us" though that is not their meaning, given the date it was written.