Torrential Rain Causes Damage in Northern India

2010-07-08 209

Heavy monsoon rains washed away vehicles, machinery and other equipment at the Parbati Hydro Electric Project in Himachal Pradesh on Tuesday.

[Vijay, Local]: (gender male, Hindi)"
“Massive floods took place in the morning. We had two offices here and other machinery, too; all of it has been washed away. We are facing a huge loss. Lots of vehicles and equipment have been destroyed.”

Laborers working in tunnels were evacuated in time.

[Neeraj, Project Executive Officer]: (gender male Hindi)
"The laborers were working when the in-charge realized that the water flow had increased and started evacuating them. By the time they came out, a link road connecting to the main road was washed away and so the in-charge evacuated the laborers from around the mountain."

Parts of a national highway were flooded, forcing authorities to close it temporarily.

So far no casualties have been reported.

The monsoon hit India's southern tip on May 31, a day ahead of schedule, which happens to be the indicator of the rainy season for the entire country.