CGR: ROCK BAND 3 Preview from E3 2010

2010-07-01 162 - Learn free and fast way to download any video from any video site. Classic Game Room talks about the Rock Band 3 demo from E3 2010 and talks about what experienced musicians can expect with the new game from Harmoix. This is a look back at the MTV Games booth where 7 people played Rock Band 3 for a demonstration. They used a keyboard (keytaur!), two backup singers, lead vocal, drums, guitar and bass. The one guitarist played a REAL guitar with Rock Band 3 and was scored in the game on Rock Band 3 Pro mode (Rock Band 3 professional mode). The game will have some accessories that support MIDI so that you can use other guitars and keyboards. Available for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 PS3.