Uzbek Refugees Return to Ruins in Osh, Kyrgyzstan

2010-06-24 1,104

For a second day on Wednesday, several thousand Uzbeks who had fled ethnic violence crossed back into Kyrgyzstan.

Many Uzbek refugees returned to Osh to find their houses burned down and businesses destroyed.

[Shazada Saliyeva, Uzbek Refugee]: (Russian, probably female)
“We got to know about it only per phone, and this is true, we didn't believe, we didn't believe it.”

[Gulchakhra Kadyrova, Uzbek Refugee]: (Russian, female)
"What is it? We were all born here, look in what condition it is. Where shall we live?"

About 400,000 Uzbeks fled the killing in Osh and other parts of southern Kyrgyzstan after the interim government took over the country in April.

About a quarter of them crossed into Uzbekistan, where they have lived for nearly two weeks in tents, reliant on humanitarian aid for food and water.

[Gulchakhra Kadyrova, Uzbek Refugee]: (Russian, female)
"How is it possible? Tell me please. We didn't do harm to anybody, we, Uzbeks have been living so good together with the Kyrgyz, we have been helping each other. They came to see us, we helped them, we have been living together so good. What will happen now?"

Three days of killing began on June 10--when coordinated attacks by unidentified individuals in ski masks sparked fierce fighting between ethnic Uzbeks and Kyrgyz.

Mainly Uzbek households were attacked and some locals have said state troops, comprising of mainly ethnic Kyrgyz soldiers, did little to protect them--and in some cases took part in the assaults.

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