Red Queen Contest - Houdinis Hexes - Meath - IE

2010-06-20 29

Red Queen Contest's music is lyrically red and marvellously aggressive.

Themes of love, lust and loss abound with a passion countered with poise. Sparseness is employed where necessary but overall they have created, if not a wall, then a trench of sound. Most importantly however, Red Queen Contest constantly challenge itself as a band and each other as musicians, to plumb the eerie mirror-facing-mirror depths of experience and collaboration.

Through no little soul searching, evocations of previous lives, social network boycotting, therapy and one or two cups of tea, Red Queen Contest have emerged from the dog days of their previous incarnation, The Dolldrums, and are armed, ready for battle.If The Dolldrums possessed the raw audacity of a talented, young and hungry band, then Red Queen Contest embody a more mature, concentrated agenda but through a glass, darkly.