Sebastiao Salgado and Eduardo Galeano with Amy Goodman

2010-06-18 904

This is a brief intro to this event. The full event can be found at and and

Sebastiao Salgado is a Paris based photojournalist, who has documented the lives of Latin American peasants, diamond mine workers in Brazil, and famine in Africa. His most recent books Migrations: Humanity in Transition and The Children: Refugees and Migrants illuminate the plight of migrants, refugees, and displaced persons all over the world. His previous books include An Uncertain Grace and Workers: An Archaeology of the Industrial Age. Eduardo Galeano, born in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1940 is an essayist, journalist, historian, and activist. Galeano's books include the trilogy Memory of Fire; The Book of Embraces; We Say No; and Walking Words. Galeano, who received the first Lannan Prize for Cultural Freedom, has said, "I'm trying to create a synthesis of all different ways of expressing life and reality…I tried to find a way of recounting history so that the reader would feel that it was happening right now, just around the corner—this immediacy, this intensity, which is the beauty and the reality of history." Galeano's Mirrors: Stories of Almost Everyone (Espejos: una historia casi universal) will be published in English by Nation Books in the spring of 2009. Distributed by Tubemogul.