
2010-06-16 78 Remodeling a bathroom in Brooklyn, where space is often limited requires, a special design sense to insure the most usable and beautiful bathroom.The bathroom remodeling experience is something that fills you with thoughts of clean, gleaming white surfaces or of a half-assembled disaster. Maybe both images are true.Steps of a bathroom remodeling project.1.How Far Do You Want to Go? Surface Alterations. At the easy end of the scale, you may like the general layout and size of the bathroom and the structure supporting the bathroom, but 50 years of accumulated moisture has rotted away the joists and wall studs, and the window is falling out.At this point, too, consider the general timetable for bathroom remodeling and decide if this is something you think you want to go through.2. Finance Your Bathroom RemodelBathroom remodeling is expensive. Bathroom remodeling costs typically range from $15,000 to $18,000 just for a basic, functional remodel.