Archéologie des ports antiques de Méditerranée.D.Blackman 2

2010-06-16 195

L'archéologie des ports antiques de Méditerranée (2ème partie)
par David Blackman (Université d'Oxford)
En Anglais
intervention du jeudi 20 mai 2010 à 10h00.

Rivages et ports de la Turquie antique
Jeudi 20 et vendredi 21 mai
Auditorium de la Chambre de Commerce d'Izmir
Organisé par l'Institut Français de Turquie/Izmir, le Musée du Louvre, et l'École pratique des Hautes Études - HISTARA
En partenariat avec l'Institut Archéologique Allemand DAI, Istanbul
Avec la collaboration et le soutien du Consulat d'Italie à Izmir, du Centre Culturel Italien Carlo Goldoni et de la Chambre de Commerce d'Izmir

extrait intervention:
"...In concluding my general point about shipsheds, I have three questions to put to this audience:
(1)Is it not possible to investigate the trireme harbour of Knidos? [Perhaps this is already planned]. This would be a challenging project, but has fascinating potential, when we know that the west harbour was described by Strabo (C656) as a ‘closable’ trireme harbour, and a ‘naval station’(naustathmos) for 20 ships.
(2) Strabo (C575) wrote that Kyzikos had over 200 shipsheds. There is no archaeological evidence to support this. Where were they? How many were there? What is their date and historical context? Can the figure really be accurate? Lehmann-Hartleben thought that the figure was “riesengross”, and I tend to agree. But the question needs investigation.
(3) Where were the shipsheds in the ports of the eastern Aegean and western Asia Minor? We have a particular gap for the Hellenistic and Roman periods. Elaia is a site of great promise, about which we shall hear from Felix Pirson. This is a site where we might find some evidence for the shipsheds housing the large ‘polyremes’ of the Hellenistic period.

I now want to look in more detail at an aspect of naval strategy along the coast of western Asia Minor in antiquity..."