Are Reptiles Dark ? Own Our Darkness

2010-06-13 57

2010-05-14 1st Journal ♥ TRANSCRIPT: ♥ iTunes podcast ♥ channel Intro: Had to get up with the dawn, today; the bird song was just so beautiful. I had a whip-poor-will just outside my window, from the sounds of it. They are quite loud, really, but usually not quite so close. They’re rather shy birds. I love the rat-a-tat-tat of the woodpeckers, too. I keep the old trees when they’re dead for the birds and the bugs to enjoy. More natural that way, too. Nature knows best. Dad used to have the trees harvested, and cut down the dead ones, but no thanks. I have more woodpeckers. Don’t know their song, but their sound is so peaceful. So, though you can often hear the birds in the background on my recordings, that’s nothing like dawn sounds, which are loud. I just love it. I’m so blessed. So what is, today? The 1 Mayan day is a powerful one, placing its mark on the next 13 days, the Trecena. Today’s Mayan sun sign is Star, or Rabbit, which is both shining bright and prolific. Should be interesting. We shall see. At any rate, 1 is a good day for new starts. Not that it’s terribly new, but I’ve got a journal or two I’ve been polishing up, adding links and so on, just for you. When I wrote one, in particular, I didn’t know if I’d post it, or want to. It was too blunt, too straightforward. Oh well. That was then; this is now. Last night, I saw clearly how it’s just plain speaking, and how it... could help.... wake some up in some sly ways, some shy ways to enter right in... bring light... dark situation. I’d much rather arm you with ways to discern, wake you up... that way. I don’t want just my ways to be others’ highways to waking.... up.... in the Light. Still, dark ETs have entered, have worked their dark magic until... convinced... some are... they are Light. That won’t do, not my way to let someone’s highway become... low ... Distributed by Tubemogul.