Oprah Winfrey has started the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) and is opening the doors for video submissions for a show on her TV Station. So this is our BIG Opportunity! CLICK BELOW TO VOTE http://preview.tinyurl.com/TonyaTko-Oprah I need each person to vote 25 times for 4 days to equal 100 votes per person. Also, We only need 500,000 views to make it to the top. So please refresh, and play, watch and refresh again. They have made it so each person can vote multiple times, but please no bots or automated systems. You can watch the vid 25 times cant you? BTW we have TWO WEEKS... Voting ends June 26, 2010 so vote for me so we can get on TV!! Join my website http://www.TkoWorld.Net Add me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/TonyaTkoshow follow on twitter http://www.twitter.com/TonyaTko Distributed by Tubemogul.