Respite from Scorching Heat in North India

2010-06-09 164

Drizzling rain in the Indian capital New Delhi and rains in northern Chandigarh city bring relief. People have been suffering from excessive heat and dust.

Light drizzle in New Delhi on Tuesday morning cooled things off, giving relief from scorching heat.

The temperature slipped to 72 degrees Fahrenheit during the morning.

Tourists visiting the city say they are delighted with the weather.

[Manan Khadri, Tourist from Hyderabad]: (Hindi male ) ((Cut last sentence))
"We came here two days ago but the weather's been too hot. Today it's much cooler. It rained last night and this morning."

[Shammi, Tourist from Rajasthan]: (Hindi female)
"The weather is so pleasant here that we left work and came for a visit. I am feeling very good. It is amazing."

It has been raining incessantly in the north Indian city of Chandigarh since Monday night.

The meteorological department says a depression on the Rajasthan - Madhya Pradesh border is the main reason for the downpour in north Indian states.

The locals are overjoyed with the rain and welcome the cool and pleasant weather.

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