South Korean Army Holds Forum on Threat from North

2010-06-09 256

Tensions have been escalating between South and North Korea, especially since the South had accused the North of sinking one of its ships. South Korea is now taking no chances as it believes North can attempt a surprise attack any time.

As tensions escalate on the Korean peninsula, the South Korean Army held a forum on Tuesday to discuss the North Korean threat.

South Korean military officers, scholars and students gathered at the Unification Observatory near the demilitarized zone, discussing how to cope with the North’s threat of war.

[General Han Min-koo, South Korean Army Chief of Staff]: (Korean, male)
"The ship sinking incident shows us there has been no change to North Korea's jingoism and its strategy of communizing South Korea, and that they can attempt a surprise attack at any time to improve their position."

Seoul has complained to the U.N. Security Council over the sinking of its warship, the Cheonan, in March, killing 46 sailors. It blames the North for torpedoing the ship. But it’s not clear what South Korea wants the U.N. to do.

[General Han Min-koo, South Korean Army Chief of Staff]: (Korean, male)
"We need a strategy of two tracks - we should be thoroughly prepared against the current threat and prepare for the future. The two-track strategy is a difficult road, dealing with North Korea's assymmetric threat, neighboring countries' potential threats, national defense, economy and public opinion."

The sinking of the Cheonan was the deadliest single incident on the peninsula since the 1950-53 Korean War.