Optimizing for Conversions

2010-06-08 8

Are you getting the most out of your marketing efforts? Unfortunately, many businesses are not reaching their full potential. As Brandon Eley, Co-Author of Online Marketing Inside Out, explains to WebProNews, there are many opportunities businesses could be missing out on.

For example, his e-commerce company ran a promotion that offered a free shipping coupon code for orders over $100. The company ran it for several years and saw an increase in conversions. Interestingly enough, the company conducted some user testing and found that every single user had some type of problem with their coupon code.

The company then changed the shopping cart system in a way that automatically included a flat shipping rate or free shipping, based on each user’s order amount. Once these changes were applied, the company saw its conversions increase by 50 percent.

Eley advises other businesses to make the checkout process as simple as possible. This principle also applies to any type of submiss