Cousteau Gulf Oil Spill Ocean EcoCrime Catastrophe

2010-05-30 148

Cousteau On Ocean Eco Crime Catastrophe and the report on Gulf Oil Spill Ecological Techno Catastrophe comparing it to 30 years ago disaster event. The leak was caused by an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon rig on 20 April, which also killed 11 workers,Professor Tad Patzek: “As a petroleum professional, I don’t even admit the possibility that that might be possible,” he said when asked about a failure to stop the flow. “That would be an environmental disaster of a caliber that was heretofore unseen by humanity.” The US has sent a team of nuclear physicists to help BP plug the "catastrophic" flow of oil into the Gulf of Mexico from its leaking Deepwater Horizon well, as the Obama administration becomes frustrated with the oil giant's inability to control the situation. Nuclear option is in cards