IBM Business Solutions: Outsourcing for Innovation

2010-05-28 68 Outsourcing to IBM can help CIOs free up much-needed time to focus on innovation and growth and ultimately improve financial performance.

VO: CIOs spend 45% of their day bogged down on routine IT operations.
An enormous amount of time NOT spent innovating, enhancing, developing new technologies and pushing leading-edge initiatives.

Which raises the obvious question: If innovation drives businesses forward,
shouldn’t CIOs spend even more time doing it?

To free up much-needed time, 56% of CIOs rely on third-parties like IBM to handle day-to-day IT. With industry and tech experts in 173 countries worldwide, IBM easily manages companies’ IT infrastructures, applications and business processes.

Sending IT management beyond the office not only increases efficiency and improves financial performance. It frees CIOs to focus on innovation and growth.

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