Aath Din(1946)Thomas Paine's Common Sense 46 pages 10-1-1776

2010-05-27 59

A tribute To Shri JawaharLal Nehruji on his PunyaTithi /Death Anniversary today -27-5-1964 to 27-5-2010,Remembering his book "discovery of India" written in Ahmednagar Prison.
On January 10, 1776, Thomas Paine published a 46-page pamphlet entitled 'Common Sense' that changed the course of America's destiny. Paine hit the bull's eye with this revolutionary pamphlet that put forth a powerful, persuasive argument for the cause of freedom. At the time, the prevailing sentiment in the country was one of reconciliation with England. It was not as though talk of independence from England was unheard of; the problem was that this view was whispered not proclaimed.