Chris Rock's friendship with Ricky Gervais?!

2010-05-26 12

Ricky Gervais may be having words with Chris Rock when they next catch up. Despite being good friends, the US funnyman admitted that he forgot to phone the Office star during his recent trip to London.

"Ahh I should have called him last night... since I had free time," said a guilty looking Rock.

A few years ago, the pair joked that their comedy talents would soon be crammed into one movie. Little has materialised, but Rock is still hopeful that they will work on a project together: "We'll figure it out," said the 45-year-old.

The actor and comic, who was in the UK to promote his film Death At A Funeral, has also pencilled in his next stand-up tour.

"I'll start working on it next year, or at the end of this year. So maybe towards the end of next year I'll be back," he said.

The star admits us Brits are a great source of inspiration for his routines.

"I've been writing down stuff. I've been compiling it while I'm over here.

"I just like the fact that people read in England. They don't really read in the rest of the world," he added.

In 2008, Rock set a world record by performing to 15,900, the largest ever audience at a live comedy. The record was subsequently broken by a German comedian.