Activist Illegally Detained for Trying to Visit Shanghai Exp

2010-05-26 55

In China, Shanghai police illegally detained a rights activist for three days. The activist, Feng Zhenghu wanted to go the Shanghai Expo and bought a ticket for the event, but the police stopped him.

Chinese rights activist, Feng Zhenghu was planning to go to the Shanghai World Expo last Friday, but at around 8:00 that morning two local police arrived at his home. The police told him they would accompany him to the Expo, but detained him instead.

[Feng Zhenghu, Shanghai Rights Activist]: (male, Chinese)
“We didn’t go to the Expo, but they took me to the police station instead... For two nights and three days I was illegally detained.”

Feng told NTD that on Thursday night, he had refused to comply with police orders not to visit the Expo.

[Feng Zhenghu, Shanghai Rights Activist]: (male, Chinese)
“Aren’t they welcoming everyone to go [to the Expo]? I’ve paid for my own tickets, there’s no reason why they should stop me from going.”

Feng believes the actions of the authorities have tarnished Shanghai’s reputation.

[Feng Zhenghu, Shanghai Rights Activist]: (male, Chinese)
“What they have done is wrong. This could’ve been a great thing, but instead, what they have done has created a negative impact on Shanghai. They always claim that there are overseas anti-China forces, but with this incident, it’s not anyone overseas, but they themselves who are tarnishing China.”

Feng is an outspoken critic of the Chinese regime, and has pushed for democratic reform in the country. He made international headlines late last year when he was stranded at Japan’s Narita Airport. The Chinese regime refused his entry to China for nearly three months. He was finally allowed back in the country in February.

After returning to Shanghai, Feng has been put under close surveillance. Police raided his home in April.

Feng says he’s still planning to visit the Shanghai Expo.

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