R4 DS Card Firmware Set Up R4 DS Card

2010-05-26 4

http://www.ModChipStore.com How to setup the R4 DS Card firmware and all future firmware updates for R4 DS card. Follow this step by step guide to quickly set up the R4DS so you can start using it right out of the box. Setting up the R4 DS Card is easy, but if you miss just one step, your DS won't even recognize the card at all.

First you should get the r4 DS Card from http://www.modchipstore.com/R4-DS-R4DS-Slot-1-solution-homebrew-backups-microsd-16424.html because this video covers how to install the firmware for the real R4 DS Card and not for the clone or copied cards that most people offer for sale. Installing clone firmware on a real card will work, but installing the REAL R4 DS Card firmware on a clone R4DS card will not work and your Nintendo DS or DSi won't even show that you have a card inserted.