The Individual vs. the Collective: A member of Israels Synchronized Swimming team, a year before being drafted to the military.
A Para-documentary film with a very strong esthetic value, following the Israeli Synchronized Swimming team, focusing on the dynamics between the individual and the group: the individuals attempt to find her place in the group, and her systematic shift, while going through adolescence, from a localized set of rules to a set of rules that is national and total.
According to Israeli law all 18 year olds are drafted to the military. This film follows a young woman, a member of Israels national Synchronized Swimming team, during her last year before being drafted.
The film participated the official competition at Docaviv film festival 2010.
The film's script has been developed at the IDFAcademy work shop 2009.
For more details please visit our website: www.ohadmilstein.com