Bangkok Cleans up After Anti-government Protests

2010-05-21 99

It’s clean up time in Bangkok as six weeks of anti-government protests came to an end today. The authorities here restored order to the streets on Thursday.

But it was after a night of rioting and fires as troops took control of a camp occupied by thousands of red shirt anti-government protesters. The army had faced heavy resistance from about 1,500 of the protesters… some armed with guns.

By this morning it was all over and the camp situated in the heart of Bangkok's commercial district was strewn with rubbish, clothing and human waste.

The rural and urban poor protesters have now deserted their once-barricaded rally site.

A curfew is now in place in Bangkok and 23 provinces around the country. This will be extended for another three nights.

More than 70 people were killed and nearly 2,000 were wounded since the protests began.

Ten journalists were shot during six days of violence in Bangkok, including an Italian cameraman killed on Wednesday.

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