Sustainable Lifestyles: Living Outside The Box

2010-05-17 148

Today we have a choice. To create places, policies and practices that improve the quality of life for all. To encourage interactions and conversations that educates and enriches lives. And do all this in a way that meets global challenges like climate change and biodiversity loss, which increase social tensions and resource shortages. We can work towards encouraging and creating sustainable lifestyles. Or we can continue on with business as usual, and all that will bring. The time to make this choice is now.

The Marrakech Process on Sustainable Consumption and Production was established to help us seize this choice and the opportunities it represents. Sweden’s Taskforce on Sustainable Lifestyles has supported nine unique projects working towards sustainable lifestyles. The work found that from celebrities in the Philippines to South American nuns, German businesses and Brazilian favelas, every sector of society is involved, in some way, with sustainable lifestyles.