The Coolest Names In Showbiz by FLIPRON

2010-05-13 1,556

This is a sort of home-made video on a tiny budget, made for a cost of £80... It was shot & edited by our good friend Alex Heath, who did it for nothing because he is a very generous sort of chap.He put in an awful lot of time & effort for us. Thank you Alex, you are a gentleman!

The village hall is in Dorset, the mask & teeth are Jesse's, the ropes are Mark's (don't ask...), the one proper light we had Alex borrowed. It may look like a wig, but that is Jesse's real hair that the band are cutting. It's worth noting that three men untrained in the hairdresser's art can produce quite a trendy haircut. It ended up looking a bit like Pete Docherty, a bit like Paul Weller, but with an asymmetrical originality all its own...

The song is about sacrificing an easy life to discover what you might really be capable of. We at least discovered that the strutting, curly haired singer was capable of having his hair cut. We hope that you enjoy it. Love from Flipron x